domingo, 9 de julho de 2017

Palavra Amiga: O Espírito Santo Almeja Fazer Morada em Você! - 07/07/2017

Palavra Amiga: A Fé Tem o Poder de Apagar o Pecado - 06/07/2017

Palavra Amiga: Cuide do seu Interior - 05/07/2017

Páginas Difíceis da Bíblia - 08/07/2017 - A Paixão de Jesus - parte X

terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

The Reception of Jesus in Talmudic Literature - James Crossley

Memory, Identity, and Mimetic Ethics - Ruben Zimmermann

Discussion after Kirk and Taylor

The Reception of Images of Jesus Prior to Constantine - Joan Taylor

Discussion after Byrskog and Hübenthal

The Reception of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel - Sandra Hübenthal

Memory and Narrative - Samuel Byrskog

Memory and Theories of History - lecture is incomplete: cuts off early - Jens Schroeter

Discussion after Bauckham and Bond

The Reception of Jesus in the Gospel of John - Helen Bond

The Psychology of Eyewitness Memory - Richard Bauckham

Discussion after Keith and Jacobi

The Reception of Jesus in Paul - Christine Jacobi

Memory and the Reception of Jesus in Early Christianity - Chris Keith

On the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament - Peter Flint