quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2019

Digging for Truth - Episode 14: Discoveries at Ephesus

Digging for Truth - Episode 13: Finding the Lost City of Ai (Part Two)

Digging for Truth - Episode 12: Finding the Lost City of Ai (Part One)

Digging for Truth-Episode 11: The Walls of Jericho - Part Two

Digging for Truth - Episode 10: The Walls of Jericho - Part One

Digging for Truth - Episode Nine: The Problem of Evil and God's Existence

Digging for Truth - Episode Eight: The Moral Argument for God's Existence

Digging for Truth - Episode Seven: The Temple Mount

Digging for Truth: Episode Six - New Testament Discoveries at Khirbet el-Maqatir

Digging for Truth: Episode Five - Go Now to Shiloh

Digging For Truth - Episode Four: Daniel - Prophet or Pretender?

Digging for Truth: Episode Three - Jesus and Archaeology

Digging For Truth: Episode Two - King David: Man or Myth?

Digging For Truth: Episode One -The Mission

domingo, 10 de março de 2019

Os Tempos Dos Gentios Reconsiderados: A Cronologia e a volta de Cristo - Carl Olof Jonnson

Luca e la fonte «Q» - Lucas e a fonte «Q»

Luca e la questione sinottica - Lucas e a questão sinótica

Approcci contestuali al Vangelo di Luca - Abordagens contextuais ao Evangelho de Lucas

L’opera lucana nel mosaico delle metodologie esegetiche contemporanee - O trabalho lucano no mosaico das metodologias exegéticas contemporâneas